Parish Bulletin

Christmas & the Holy Family

25th & 26th December 2021


After another difficult year for many people, we have reached the feast of Christmas.  And once again, just when the world seems darkest, we are reminded that God loves us so much that he has become one of us, to share our lives, die for our sins, and lead us to heaven.   The birth of Jesus gives hope to the world.  May that hope touch our hearts today too.


Here in our parish we ask God to bless all those who are united with us in prayer, whether in the church or watching at home.  We pray too for those we love who are not praying with us and we remember those who are sick, sorrowful or anxious at this time. On behalf of the whole parish, may I wish you a holy and peaceful Christmas and a hopeful new year. 


Fr Damian


Parish webcam can be viewed on our YouTube channel
(search for Ballymoney Parish)


SUNDAY 26th           10am Mass

Holy Family                5pm Mass



MONDAY 27th          10am Mass



FRIDAY 31st           5.30pm Confessions

New Year’s Eve            7pm Mass, Te Deum & Benediction


Mass schedule as normal next weekend.



Our Lady & St Patrick’s is open every day for private prayer—usually from 11am to 4pm.






Cassie Hendrie, Tony McCaughan, Jack McCormick, Sarah McGreevy, Dennis McKeever, Mick McKeown, John McKillop, Margaret McLaughlin, Rose McLaughlin,
Neal John Osborne, Cissie Quigg, Greta Turner









The end of the year is a great time to look back with gratitude for the great generosity shown in our parish over 2021. 


Thank you to the volunteers who help to make our Masses and services truly worthy. 


Thank you to those who serve the needy in our community in St Vincent de Paul and in other ways. 


Thank you to those who contribute to the life of the parish financially through our weekly collections. 


Thank you to those who give their time and talents by serving on the Parish Pastoral Council, the Finance Committee or who help with administration and governance. 


Thank you to those who look after our churches, grounds, hall and cemetery.


Thank you to all involved at Old & New@No.5.


Thank you to those who work or volunteer in our parish schools.


Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement


And above all thanks be to God for the blessings he gives our parish community every day.




A massive thank you for your outstanding generosity once again this year. Since we started our Family Appeal in November up until our Annual Collection last weekend our parish community have donated £5400 via the Red Box as well as donations given to members and through the Parochial House. In these tough times we have been busier than ever but your support has enabled us to help those in need.   If you need help please call us confidentially on 07860455549.





Thank you for your support of all our parish collections taken up over the last twelve months.  Envelopes can be left in the church at Mass times or at the parochial house.  You can also set up a standing order or make a one-off payment with these details:


Parish of Ballymoney & Derrykeighan

Sort code: 95-06-79 

Account No: 10020192.


Please make cheques payable to:  Parish of Ballymoney & Derrykeighan





Christmas is often the time when we most miss our loved ones who have died.  It’s good to remember and pray for the Holy Souls during these days.  Our parish Bethany team have put up a Christmas tree at the back of the church.  Everyone is welcome to write down the name of a loved one who has died and to place it on a branch of the tree.  The names will be remembered in prayer throughout the Christmas season.




Medical advisors tell us that the risk of the Omicron strain of Covid is particularly high at this time. 
Although there are no new restrictions for churches, we are asked to follow the current guidelines as closely as possible.  People whose health is vulnerable, or who have underlying conditions are recommended not to attend at this time but to join in services online from home.





On Friday 31st December we will have Mass at the usual time of 7pm.  Immediately after Mass we will have
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and the singing of the Te Deum prayer.  This ancient prayer is the Church’s great hymn of thanksgiving to God and a plenary
indulgence is granted when it is sung in public on New Year’s Eve. 





Lord, you chose to enter the world as a member of a
family.  Take care of all families.  May they be sources
of love and security for all family members, where
each person is valued and given the chance to reach
their full potential.
