Holy Week & Easter 2024


All services are open to the public this year and they will also be available to watch on our YouTube channel.


Our Lady & St Patrick’s church is open for private prayer each day, normally from 10.30 to 6pm.


Saturday, 23rd March

5.30-5.50pm Confessions


6pm Mass (Vigil of Palm Sunday)




Palm Sunday, 24th March

9.30am Mass


4.30-4.50pm Confessions


5pm Mass


Palms will be blessed at each Mass.  Blessed palms will be available in the church from Monday to Wednesday for those who are not able to attend Mass today.




Monday of Holy Week, 25th March

10am Mass

7pm Holy Week Reflection - Walking the Way of the Cross




Tuesday of Holy Week, 26th March

6-6.50pm Confessions

7pm Stations of the Cross and Benediction




Spy Wednesday, 27th March

Chrism Mass at St Peter's Cathedral in Belfast at 12noon.




Holy Thursday, 28th March

7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper

followed by watching at the Altar of Repose until 10pm.


9.50pm Compline (Night Prayer of the Church).




Good Friday, 29th March



1pm Community Prayer at Ballymoney Methodist Church


3pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion


6-6.50pm Confessions


7pm Stations of the Cross




Holy Saturday, 30th March

12noon-1pm Confessions


No Masses during daylight hours


9pm The Easter Vigil




Easter Sunday, 31st March

9.30am Mass


4pm Easter Vespers & Benediction


5pm Mass




Easter Monday, 10th April

10am Mass