Saturday 21 – Sunday 29 October 2017
Conducted by Redemptorist Mission Team:
Fr Johnny Doherty
Fr Ciaran O’Callaghan
Father O’Brien and the Parish Pastoral Council would like to extend
a warm invitation to you and your family to our Parish Mission 2017.
It has been some years since a Mission was held in our parish,
so this will be a very special week for us all.
If you have drifted away or have been hurt or disillusioned, please consider coming along.
All will receive a very warm welcome.
This will be an opportunity to come together as a community, a time for renewal in our faith,
a time to seek and know Christ, who desires a relationship with each one of us.
A Mission is to enkindle within us the fire of Christ’s Love.
This Grace will make us spiritually stronger, more confident
and better equipped to be courageous disciples.